[Chat] Astronomy BoF

Jessica Smith jessica at itgrrl.com
Tue Jan 17 00:22:25 AEDT 2017

Hi folks,

TL;DR: We have a bus! We have slightly more people signed up than we can
accommodate. Also, please DO read on for the details...

OK, wow. You bunch of space nerds, you!

Interest in the Astronomy BoF event has been extremely strong and we are
now slightly oversubscribed. The Observatory has kindly offered to increase
their maximum tour size from 40 to 45 people, but this is a hard limit so
we absolutely can't take more than 45 people.

There has been some amazing generosity from several quarters that now means
that the event will be FREE (as in beer) to everyone who managed to get on
the list in time to make the 45.

 * Peter Lawler is generously covering the cost of the tour ($150)
 * Secret Lab [ http://www.secretlab.com.au/ ] is providing $300 in
sponsorship towards the cost of a charter bus for the event.
 * The LCA Organising Committee have generously offered to cover the
balance of the charter bus hire.

I've updated the wiki page to reflect the no-longer-tentative nature of the
event, and to remove availability info from the list of people who've
signed up. I haven't reordered the list, so it mostly represents the order
in which people signed up. The wiki edit history will be used to help make
sure that those who got in first have first shot at attending.

There are a handful of early registrants who have indicated that they'll be
bringing a +1 (or +several). If you're one of these people, please edit
your entry to confirm the final figure for your +n, including their names
on the line of your entry. Please don't add anyone that you hadn't already
arranged to bring along.

Once we have those updates, I'll do a final list cull and move anyone who
signed up after we reached the 45 person limit to a wait list below the
main list. It's possible that there may be a handful of cancellations, in
which case people on the waitlist will be moved to the main list.

Please make your edits ASAP at
and please pass on your thanks when you see Peter or the folks from Secret
Lab or the LCA Organising Committee.


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