[Chat] I'm Tomu - A tiny ARM microprocessor which fits *inside* your USB port (for U2F or other tasks)

Peter.Chubb at data61.csiro.au Peter.Chubb at data61.csiro.au
Tue Jan 17 22:04:55 AEDT 2017

If you're interested in this kind of thing the Padi is worth a look. https://www.pine64.org/?page_id=917

$2 plus postage for arm M3 plus wifi

On 17 January 2017 5:28:16 PM AEDT, Tim Ansell via Chat <chat at lists.lca2017.linux.org.au> wrote:
Hello everyone!

As mention in Rob's U2F talk and demonstrated at the Open Hardware Miniconf, I'd like to introduce yet another of the too many projects<https://j.mp/timtoomany> I'm involved.

Tomu<https://tomu.im/> is a tiny ARM microprocessor which fits *inside* your USB port. I have ~100 of the devices here and want to give you one!

At the moment, the big missing part of the project is the software. Hence, I'm very interested in getting the device into people's hands so we can get some. If you contribute to the project in some way I will give you one for free. Non-coding contributions are also encouraged, I'd love a logo and fixing my horrible documentation :-P

The Tomu design is fully open source (AU000001<http://certificate.oshwa.org/certification-directory/>), has a BOM of ~$USD10 (in individual quantities) and is constructible by (semi-skilled) hobbyists! It was designed to potentially be used for 2-factor authentication but could be used for anything else you can think of (USB indicator, USB OTP, other?).

The ARM processor has the following specs;
 * 25MHz ARM Cortex-M0+
 * 8kb RAM / 64kb Flash
 * USB 2.0

(There is also a "plus" version which has 48MHz, 32kb RAM, 256kb flash, but I haven't made a large amounts yet..)

You can get to the slides of my lightning talk at https://j.mp/tomu-lca2017 and the website for the project is tomu.im<http://tomu.im>, all the code and design is at https://github.com/im-tomu

There is also one small snag, I need to load a modified bootloader and example firmware onto the 100 boards via ARM 2-wire and could use some help with doing that.

Love to hear everyone's thoughts and see what people do with the Tomu board!

Tim 'mithro' Ansell

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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